Who am I ?

My name is mac_nibblet or macnibblet, depending on the community, and sometimes I'm even called Antoine Hedgecock. I was born in England in 1991 but I'm only half English the rest of my genetics comes from the other side of the channel (France). After being born in England I only lived there for six years before being shipped off to Sweden where I have lived the rest of my life, apart from a year when I was nineteen where I moved to Denmark to study gymnastics and physical education.

I have three very important passions in my life, most of which I have been doing for almost the entirety of it.
  • Gymnastics     - Cannot be described in words.
  • Windsurfing    - It's you against that three meter wave in front of you. 
  • Programming  - Who the hell doesn't like to bring ideas to life ?
My history
Since this is mostly a technical blog I'm not going to go into depth on my choices of sports but tell you more on how I came into programming.

It all started when I was about eleven and I was playing a MMORPG game with a bunch of friends and I'm not quite sure how it started but an open source version of it was released. And I jumped onto the idea directly, who didn't want to be the God of a game when they were eleven? It was extremely basic programming at first, if you could even call it that (Modifying LUA configuration files), but the community slowly grew and more and more features were added to the project and soon I was playing around in Lua, C++ and PHP. Like everyone else I very slowly grew tired of the playing & developing the same game and stopped working on the project. 

That summer (2006) my father had helped arrange a job for me in Stockholm where I was asked to convert an existing beehive application to .NET, and that's when I realised how much I actually enjoyed programming and that I could already make a living from it as a fourteen year old. 

After that summer I started freelancing; taking a few small gigs and, looking back, realising how much I was ripped off. But never the less I continued programming on sometimes rather pointless stuff until I found a local company. It was a small media bureau that had a online community for small entrepreneurs or people intending on starting their own company.

What i like doing
There is really only one thing that i really enjoy doing and thats solving complex problems. I'm not the person you come to when you have a problem with your wordpress plugin, rather the person that you come to when everyone else says it's impossible. I will find a way even if it sometimes can be a bit unfeasible (I will notify that in advanced).

We should all known a few languages i just happen to know english, french, swedish & danish (intermediate). Apart from those human ones i also happen to know the following languages. 

PHP (Expert) - my goto language for most web projects with over eight years of professional experience it's just something that i am very comfortable with.

Java (Intermediate) - I have done some playing around with android applications as well as using the atmosphere framework to develop a web socket based chat application.  

Javascript & "NodeJs" (Intermediate) - Built a monitoring system for the production of power from solar panels .

Topics i specialise in.
Programmering in general is really fun, but every one has their topic they really like to dive into.

Application architecture - If there is something that i have learnt under the years of programming is that application design is incredibly important for the success of a project wether it be mind bogglingly large or a small system.

REST Api Design - The person that says that designing a good rest api is easy they have apparently never tried. Easy to use api designs are incredibly difficult which is one of the reasons i enjoy this topic so much.

Zend framework 2 (Contributor)- I don't just happen to use the framework extensively but i'm also a contributor and active in most ongoing discussion about future development.

Unit testing & CI - these two utilities are almost invaluable.

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